why not..?
Who's idea was this anyway?
13.01.2011 - 13.01.2011
'Why the hell not?'.. Ang was demanding, as usual, a definitive, logical reason why I was protesting her latest hair-brain idea. This was pretty usual - she would want to throw caution to wind and get on a plane to somewhere, and I would throwing in the stuff she didn't want to hear like 'responsibilities', 'commitments', and my own personal favourite 'WORK'.
This time I was having some trouble though, responsibilities and commitments were all grown up and leaving home and WORK was no longer a place, but rather something that could be taken anywhere. The real problem I was having though was.... I really... really wanted to do this. This was unchartered teritory for me and I was being swept along as if surfing a tsunami not able to (or wanting to) run for cover.
Within 2 days, hundreds of websites had been scanned, dozens of magazines studied and all the camper showrooms Sydney had to offer had been scrutinised. The winner.... Kimberley Kampers, Unanderra on the South Coast. Deposit paid in haste, all the options boxes ticked (gotta have that diesel powered hot water shower system and MP3 player with surround sound system built in...). This is roughing it... 2011 style!!
Next step... which 4x4...? Has to be Toyota - the only vehicle with spares on tap in the Simpson Dessert (well maybe NEAR the Simpson Dessert). Land Cruiser or Hilux - That is the question..
Posted by airbornenemo 22:03 Archived in Australia