A Travellerspoint blog

destination #1... finally

All planning done - time to find if there was enough of it...


Ok, so the first destination was never meant to be too extreme. Just far enough away to be out of range of the local Coles/McCafe/service station. I believe we accomplished that quite well, although we did succumb to a trip into the nearby Oberon for some forgotten supplies and a real coffee.

Who could possibly have predicted rain and sub 10deg temperatures! A great learning experience and we have not resorted to extreme decibels or long solitary bush-walks to re-achieve peace... sense of humour still in tact!!

Speaking of sense of humour... I'll have a go at describing our current surroundings.
Its 8:30PM - Ang and I sitting across a camping table in the lounge area of the tent having recently finished a delicious dinner of quiche and salad (we had indulged on the trip to town...). Opposite the table Ang is sitting, head torch on her head like some alien sewing hundreds of squares of material together in some equally alien project to make a king-size quilt that is sure to take longer than building a plane... Her half of the table is suitably endowed with scraps and miniature sharp tools.

My half of the table is loaded with all sorts of cool things... laptop, wireless router (wireless of course should I choose to move the 2 metres to the other side of the mansion), satellite internet modem, satellite finder, inclinometer and of-course on the other side of the canvas a huge kick-ass satellite dish half the size of the car... Arrgggh!!! The ultimate facebook machine (for work purposes of-course...). And outside, it gets even cooler - trout stream, against the backdrop of tree covered slopes broken by a few cliff-faces going up 300 metres or so. No one else here although we were joined by a school group last night.

So here we are deep in the Abercrombie River national park doing as planned (nothing) and making new lists of what not to forget when we actually get going for real. To get here we had at least one river crossing over the Kowmung river
after visiting Kanangra Walls (thats Sydney in the background 106kms away)
Following tradition

Of-course Ang made new friend

410 steps down to this waterfall at Kanangra Walls (and 410 up to??)

Lessons learned so far:
1. Pack your own clothes
2. Actually read the 'do not forget' lists next time you hit the road
3. Do not assume the temperatures where you are going is the same as where you are now
4. Pack your own clothes
5. Pack your own clothes

Posted by airbornenemo 03:28 Archived in Australia

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