A Travellerspoint blog

time to go...again

waiting game is almost over...

Well after using up all my phone-charm, guilt and only a little begging, Ang has agreed to shorten her Africa trip and come home early so we can get going on this trip before the oldest/driest continent dries up again and only our grand-kids get to see Lake Ayre with water in it. On a positive note, a little more preparation including a few subtile mods on the 'home on wheels', have been carried out - thanks mainly to the recent outdoor camping & RV show at Rosehill.

No doubt Ang is going to need to catch up on all the goss from the past few weeks, so this request goes out to all the ladies (and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!) to please keep it short and to the point. Being non-male it is understood that this may be an unfamiliar concept, so feel free to use these guidelines:

- all catch-ups to be conducted over one or two(max) cups of tea
- cake is an unnecessary time waster and is fattening
- red wine leads to repeating oneself which is also unecessary
- all goss stories & snippets to be kept to 200 words or less
- prefer for one large catchup with all ladies present thereby negating the urge to gossip about each other, a further waste of time

For a more detailed explanation, please refer to husband/boy-friend...

Hopefully once on the road we will have more interesting topics to blog about, so don't go away yet..

...excitement's growing...

Posted by airbornenemo 07:26 Archived in Australia

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